Meet the Nominees

Here are our first nominees for our new Board Members.  Below is a short bio about them and what potentially being apart of this board would mean to them.  Please take time to read the all as well as pray for God's direction with your vote.  Voting ends on May 31st.  

Kristle Anderson

Kristle Anderson is a First Grade Teacher at School Of The Osage. Kristle and her family have been attending Osage Hills for 11 years. Kristle has volunteered as a Children’s Ministry Lead Teacher, as well different service roles from the infant to 5th grade classes. She has also volunteered with VBS, Mobile Food Pantry and other activities. When asked why she would be interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Kristle shared, “I am humbled to be considered for nomination on our church board. After prayer, seeking advice from trusted friends, and thinking through what this role means for me and our church, I feel that God is leading me to step out of my comfort zone and offer my perspective. Working with so many adults and children each day allows me to gain  insights into different ideas and opinions. This allows me  to see things from many different angles. I believe God can use me and my experiences to add to conversations that are important to our church."

Whitney Carnahan

Whitney Carnahan is the High School Ceramic Teacher and the Middle School Art Teacher at School of The Osage. She and her family have been attending Osage Hills for nearly 12 years. Through her time at Osage Hills she has served as a high school ministry volunteer, led Bible studies, served as a guest speaker for different events, volunteered on the First Connections Team, and, currently serves in the Children’s Ministry. When asked why she was interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Whitney shared, “I guess I feel like I have been looking for a way to better serve the church and haven’t really found my ‘niche’ lately. I serve in the children’s ministry once a month, but I want to do more. I think it’s wonderful that the church is looking for a diverse group of individuals and I am happy that I have even been considered to be a part of that group”

Gary Carrender

Gary Carrender is currently retired from his position as Advisor and Education Program Coordinator at Columbia College. Formerly, he was a teacher and Principal for School of The Osage. Gary has attended Osage Hills for nearly 10 years. Gary has served in our "OHills On The Move" Projects, Buddy Packing, First Connections Team, Usher contributed to other general church maintenance projects. When asked why he was interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Gary shared, “I feel led to serve because I care for the church body and staff. I feel I have time and life experiences that might be helpful and if it’s the will of the church and God I will serve as a Board Member.”

Meredith Carter

Meredith Carter is an Occupational Therapist for the Camdenton School District. She and her family have attended Osage Hills for the last 19 years. Meredith has been a Volunteer High School Youth Leader (2002-2008), a Sunday School teacher for various ages (currently Pre-K), a VBS leader, led various adult Small Group book and Bible studies, and served as a guest speaker at Women's Ministry events. When asked why she was interested in serving on the Board of Directors she shared, "During my time praying about this position I saw the verse Romans 14:19 ‘Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification’ and I began to think about the word "edification". The word edification means the instruction or improvement of a person. I began to consider how this position could be mutually edifying. I am hoping the role is edifying to myself, and that I can bring some of my ideas to leadership which may edify our church. I hope to be a part of OHills moving forward into more discipleship and increasing the movement of our church (as a body of people) into action for one another and our community.”

Lisa Edinger

Lisa Edinger is an Elementary Art Teacher for Stover. She and her family have attended Osage Hills for 9 years. Lisa has served on the Worship Team, Women’s Ministry, Steering Committee, VBS team, Upward Basketball lead team, as well as a guest speaker for Sunday services. When asked why she is interested in serving on the board of Directors, Lisa shared, “I am passionate about following Jesus, vision-casting, and supporting pastors and ministry teams so they are equipped and encouraged to lead the Body of Christ. I believe that serving on the board would accomplish this purpose.”

Anita Fleis

Anita Fleis is the Senior Director of Revenue at Compass Health Network. She has been attending Osage Hills for nearly 12 years. Anita has volunteered with the Buddy Pack Ministry, led the Mobile Food Pantry, served on the Finance Board, helped on the First Connections Team,  and served in the OHills Café. When ask why she was interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Anita shared, “I know God has a plan and I believe it is for me to serve and continue to grow His church. I pray He will allow me to help in the mission of growing Osage Hills.”

Jeff Kile

Jeff and his family have attended OHills for 15 years.  
He currently is the Director of Bands at School of the Osage
Jeff has served as a Sunday school teacher-5th grade, Mobil food pantry helper, discover OHills class helper, worship team, worship team administrator, worship leader search committee, opened the gym for Thursday night basketball, Tuscumbia project, stover project, and helped with VBS once.
Jeff would take the opportunity on the board to help lead and help our church grow and make disciples.

Chuck Stockton

Chuck Stockton is in his third year as Superintendent of Schools at Stoutland R-II. He is in his 29th year of education and 23rd as an administrator. He and his wife of 33 years, Vickie, and their son, Chase have been attending Osage Hills for 3 years. When asked about how he has served the Lord through Osage Hills, Chuck had this to say,”The Church, it's members, staff, ministry team and Pastor Ken are always in our prayers. I find  opportunities to share about O'Hills with others who are searching for a Church home. I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to share specific messages of Pastor Ken’s. Sometimes I am blessed to have the purpose of these promptings revealed, and always experience a sense of gratitude having been used in such a manner. I had the opportunity to help brother Stephen do a short teaching series recently and am prayerful this opportunity will open other doors to teach.” When asked about his interest in serving on the Board, Chuck shared, “I have served in a similar capacity in nearly every Church we have attended. I am committed to give back for the blessings I have undeservedly reaped as a member of the O’Hills family. I am humbled to be considered for such a role and should you choose, I stand ready to provide my gifts and talents to meet the needs of O’Hills.

Dan Thompson

Dan Thompson is a retired military veteran, owner of Thompson Ventures — Real Estate Investment Properties and Education Coordinator, and Lead Facilitator at Council For Drug Free Youth. He and his family have attended Osage Hills for 4 years. Dan has volunteered with the Mobile Food Pantry, Coordinated our Buddy Pack team, Sunday morning Usher, Student Ministry volunteer, helped coordinate and execute special maintenance and construction projects, and co-leads a small group out of his home. When asked why he is interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Dan shared, “I feel as Christians, we should always be prayerfully looking and taking every opportunity to serve Christ, the church, and further the Kingdom. It takes faithful, loving and active members to keep the day-to-day and long-term church needs met. I have continually prayed for Christ’s guidance to show me opportunities, and to work and serve. He has never disappointed.”

Jackie Wehrle

Jackie Wehrle is a retired Administrative Assistant for School of The Osage. Jackie has been attending Osage Hills for 13 years. Jackie has served with the Women’s Ministry, the Mobile Food Pantry, the Buddy Pack Ministry, on-stage announcements and the First Connections Team. When asked why she is interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Jackie shared, “I have a heart for people and would love our church to be a safe place for people to come and feel welcome. I love to work with other members of our church to accomplish that and to show them the love of Jesus. I want our church to be a place where people are encouraged and loved. I think the Board of Directors can work together to make our church a light in the community.”

Kathy Weisen

Kathy Weisen is the Area Representative for the Lake of The Ozark’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). She has attended Osage Hills for the last 12 years. She has, on many occasions, been a guest speaker for Sunday services, taught in Sunday school and volunteered at our Mobile Food Pantry. When asked why she was interested in serving on the Board of Directors she shared, “Henry Blackaby stated, ‘Watch to see where God is working and join Him in His work.’  This quote impacted me as I prayerfully considered the call to serve on the Osage Hills Leadership Board.  I see God moving in our church and I feel called to help make His name known here and in our community.”