Biblical Teaching
We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is God's inspired and inerrant Word. Here, you will hear regular teachings from Scripture.
Impactful Worship
We believe corporate worship is first about pleasing the Lord and second about encouraging the body. Our main focus is to praise Him and offer the devotion He deserves, finding joy in the connection that it brings.
Family Environment
We’re dedicated to discipling the next generation by teaching them biblical truths. Your child’s safety is our top priority, and all leaders and volunteers are background-checked. If we need you during the service, your security code will appear on the screen.

What should I wear?
Whatever you want! We have people from all walks of life, and there is no dress code! Dress up or be casual- we have both, and it’s up to you!
Do I need to give money?
No! We invite you to come be a part of our gatherings without giving us a dime. One of our challenges to newcomers is to “Try Osage Hills for a year to see if this is the community you’ve been looking for.” Part of that includes not feeling obligated to give any money while you are deciding if our gathering is the right fit!
Is there coffee?
Yes! Among other drinks. It’s only $1 for a cup, and all proceeds go towards missions!
Is there a full band?
Yes. The Osage Hills Worship Team consists of a full band. It looks like other modern contemporary bands.
Is there a youth group?
Yes! OHills Youth meets 6:00-8:00pm on Wednesdays (dinner being served at 6:00), and Sundays during second service in the fellowship hall after Worship Ends.
How do I check my kids in on Sunday morning?
If you walk through the main entrance into the lobby and go left, you will find the hallway to the kids wing. Walk about 10 steps and you’ll find computers on your left to enter your families information and get name tags!